Jenny Ryan of
Craftzine.com Blog featured my 15 year old daughter's super crafty Science fair project, on the Craft blog today. It's a crocheted periodic table of the elements. It's so unique and she created it as she went along. It's the length of a bed and I'd have to say it's more of a wall piece than an afghan type piece. It took her 5 months to finish. Yay Emily!!! A+++ or bust.
Very cool project!!
This is so, so awesome! I was just thinking about this project and wondered if she ever did it! I'm so glad it turned out! yay em!
Wowzer! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Great job! AND you must be so darn proud!!!!
Wow! This is great...I could never have done this when I was fifteen (who am I kidding, I still couldn't do this at 28!) Way to go!!!
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