Monday, May 07, 2007

Show It

This weekend my friend Bill had a jewelry show at a local gallery so I went to visit him. You see, I met Bill on the set of the DIY show "Jewelry Making" a few years back and found out that we live in the same town. Also I found out that he taught metalsmithing at the time, so I signed up and we've been friends ever since. His work is really amazing.
Currently he is making some contemporary pieces involving disc shaped silver that has textures and different shades of darkness with oxidation. I just love it. He's also got pieces made with mica.

After the jewelry show, I went to check out my crocheted felted purses at The Dragonfly. I was interested to see how they were displayed. These are some of them. When I went in to talk about my jewelry I happened to mention that I had some purses I crocheted. She wanted to see them. So I brought them in and she liked all of them. So, they are for sale instead of hiding in a bag in my cupboard at home. They look pretty happy here. I hope people like them. I'd be happy to give them new homes.
Today our cupcake jewelry was mentioned on Funky Finds! That's a nice surprise.


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Congrats on the mention! Your bags do indeed look fabulous on display there. :)

  2. I think it's neat you met Bill on the DIY set. I guess you drove to Burbank to do those shows?

  3. Yeah, we met in Burbank on the set.

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Oh, congrats on the Funky Find mention! I saw it too! Nice! And I love the pics of Bill's interesting and unique.
