Friday, May 04, 2007

I Had a Flashback

My son and I took a shopping break to our local very special thrift shop that's called Flashbacks. Well he went to buy pins and patches and I went to take photographs.
Let me explain. It's owned by a woman who kinda looks like Debbie Harry and dances all of the time. She's a real kick. Loud 80's music is always playing and the items found there range from very old 50's clothes to rock and roll and punk clothing, to things that you can find if you want to dress exactly like Madonna in her "Like a Virgin" period. I even found a vintage flamenco dress there before. Yes I bought it.
The dresses are amazing and it looks like any kind of dress can be found here.

And of course the obligatory beads at the counter picture with a mirror. Do you see Madonna in the reflection of the mirror? She's there.


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I know where our next adventure is.

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Totally awesome dude! :)
