Monday, August 04, 2008

Winning, A Good Thing

I actually won a contest on one of my favorite blogs; Purple Pink and Orange last week. Yes, me. The one who never wins, so never enters anything. But I did and I did. Go figure. So what did I win? So fitting that because I’m trying to eliminate wastefulness in my life, that I believe it was destiny to win three re-usable ripstop nylon Kootsac bulk food bags. And just as it happens, they just opened one of my favorite markets this past weekend that carries many bulk food items so I’ll try them out today.


Anonymous said...

Let me know how they work out for you. I love the idea of these so much!

The Blonde Duck said...

Congratulations on winning! I love your designs!

Anonymous said...

What a nice prize! Congratulations!
~Emily in Norway

Giftbearer said...

Congratulations on winning!