After the jewelry show, I went to check out my crocheted felted purses at The Dragonfly. I was interested to see how they were displayed. These are some of them. When I went in to talk about my jewelry I happened to mention that I had some purses I crocheted. She wanted to see them. So I brought them in and she liked all of them. So, they are for sale instead of hiding in a bag in my cupboard at home. They look pretty happy here. I hope people like them. I'd be happy to give them new homes.
Today our cupcake jewelry was mentioned on Funky Finds! That's a nice surprise.
Congrats on the mention! Your bags do indeed look fabulous on display there. :)
I think it's neat you met Bill on the DIY set. I guess you drove to Burbank to do those shows?
Yeah, we met in Burbank on the set.
Oh, congrats on the Funky Find mention! I saw it too! Nice! And I love the pics of Bill's jewelry...so interesting and unique.
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