Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Such Great Friends

If it wasn't for my friends, I wouldn't be where I am, do what I'm doing, smile as big as I do each day. The help before, and presence of my friends at Patchwork show this past weekend made it all worth while. I owe my friends a huge thank you. So Thank You my buds, my pals, my great friends who came from far and near! Seriously.
Thank you Carrie for "Betty". She was well dressed and even changed clothes a time or two. Also thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience of craft shows and giving me the confidence to get out there!
Thank you Jenn for making a sign with my logo without me asking for it, way back when that I recently had laminated and it helped everyone know where I was. And thank you for coming so far with your family that I've never met to show your support, and giving me home made mochi! I've always begged you for it. he he. It was amazing!! Missed out on getting your pic though. Darn!

Michelle, my neighbor and buddy you are always there when it counts and I appreciate you bringing Helen. I know she couldn't have made it without you. One of these days, when your little one settles down I may hire him as an assistant. I think he likes craft shows.
Kristin, me, and Steph
Kristin, thank you for all your encouragement in my up and down times and your willingness to help at the drop of a hat even though you had the hardest cake of your career to make that day. You will never know how much I appreciated that. And Lyle, thanks for being ok with being dragged along ;)

Steph you are the best for always promoting my business and getting the word out. Thanks for believing in me and being such a great friend!
And I would not have even thought of doing Patchwork if it weren't for Delilah. Thanks girl for having faith in me that I could sew in the first place and encouraging me to pursue the clothes and especially the dog portraits. Also, I really appreciated your generosity. For all that you did and that you are. And I know you are that way with everyone. I am humbled and forever grateful!
And last but not least, Marge. Thanks Marge for being you! As my "Cover Dog" on my dog postcards,  you really helped sell the whole dog portrait angle for me and lady, you have quite the loving fan club. In fact, I suggest you get your own Facebook page. As Delilah says best "from living on the streets with no love to more love than any dog should have you are one loved dog!"


  1. lady you are too sweet!
    your booth rocked-it...next time i see you we must talk ideas----got some!

  2. I'm all for it Delilah! You are the Sweet one!!

    Gustavo: I agree! She certainly does and lets everyone know too!

  3. aww thanks Shari!! i'm blushing. Of course I was gonna be there! No cake or any other order would stop me :D

  4. Anonymous7:06 PM

    D'oh. That wasn't homemade, I bought it!
