Monday, January 11, 2010

The Dogs Always Get The Healthy Treats

January 13, 1999 my two twin Whippets, Flick and Summer, were born. Actually they were amongst a litter of 8 but since I have both of them, I call them the twins. They will be 11 years old tomorrow and like us, they are celebrating their birthday all week. So yesterday I baked them (for the first time ever) dog treats. I found this recipe which seemed pretty simple (because I did do a search for easy dog treat recipes). Alas, this one came up. And of course I didn't have half of the ingredients but I figured it wouldn't hurt to have wheat flour in the house anyways, so I got some.

These little suckers were fun to make. They whipped up really quick. They were fun to roll out and I already had a dog bone cookie cutter. Don't know why, but I did. So as I made them, 2 dogs with a penchant for peanut butter sat at my feet as if to critique my every step. Actually they were waiting to see what I'd drop or give in and let them eat or lick. Not telling.

I ended up making 2 batches because what fun is a birthday if you can't share with your other furry friends. So gift bags will be going out in the next couple of days....that is if my kids don't eat them. Which they have been known to do. Straight out of the box. And those weren't homemade. Yuck. And my kids are teenagers. Double yuck. But I may have to give them one and take a picture.


  1. Happy birthday, Flick and Summer! Enjoy those delicious homemade doggy biscuits - what a great mom!
    Cheers from Canada, Ribsy & Mirabel

  2. How wonderful that they are so lucky to have you for a mom. Happy birthday from Abby the Whippet!

    (You can see her on a video on my blog two days ago.)
