Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Other Project

We have a boy dog and not such a large back yard. Most of my back yard is an elevated wood deck. Thus, I can't have much of a garden like I would like to. This year I decided to try growing some vegetables in terra cotta pots. So I have 2 grape tomato plants, 1 cherry tomato plant, one bush bean plant, one Armenian cucumber plant, one squash of some kind, and one Ichiban eggplant plant. The tomatoes are producing. The cucumber is growing and flowering. The bush beans initially produced a bit and are flowering again. The squash flowers and then falls off. It's alive but not growing. So proudly I present to you my eggplant. Ironically, I am the only one in my family that will eat eggplant. So that's interesting. We'll see where this leads or when I grow weary of keeping it up. I hope I only keep it evolving. Oh and I need simple eggplant recipes that even people that don't like eggplants will eat. Not eggplant parmesan. A little more interesting please.

Oh, Today the Pooper, I mean, the "Powder Room" was featured on Indie Fixx Blog with regards to the Feed your Soul Free Artist Downloads that I got from her blog. Thanks Jen.

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