Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy 95th Birthday to My Muse

PICT0478, originally uploaded by bonnindesigns.

Mama Phyllis, my grandmother is 95 today. She is celebrated each and every day in my heart however as she lives across country. This woman has been the inspiration for all creative things that I take on. From cooking, to decor, to craft, she's had a hand in it my entire life and I always have strived to be like her. Her frame is petite and her style is casual but she is the most elegant person I know. She is a retired nurse and had a long and happy marriage to my wonderful papa who passed away a few years ago. I lived with them for a short time in my between college days when I was living my dreams in NYC as a dancer. And each day when I came home and had a cocktail and relaxed with my grandparents before dinner was a key time to learn about them and hear stories of the old days. When I moved, Mama gave me a gold charm with "Star Boarder" etched in it.
So now she is 95 years young and this gives me another thing to strive for; a happy and long life. Happy Birthday Mama. I love you!


  1. I love your story! Very sweet. Didn't know you were a dancer! A woman of many talents you are.

  2. oh how sweet!! you look so much alike, too!

    ps. something was wonky with the rss feed to your site, so I had to reload...

  3. beth rosen12:28 PM

    Thanks for your comment on my post, I came over to thank you and changed my bold type..(still learning this stuff) So thanks for taking the time to help me out :)..It was a nice surprise to come over and see your wonderful blog...love this sweet post and wow talk about looking great at any age..
