Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Back in Time and New Experiences

This Thanksgiving was a time of reflection upon the past as well as a time for opening my eyes to new joys. Traveling to my childhood home of Tempe, AZ brings me back to my past but whenever I’m back there, I never see school friends. As I’ve gotten older I find that I really miss those kids. I guess I see myself in my high school age daughter and the things she does and friends she knows remind me of how much I miss my old pals. You know, with Facebook reuniting with school friends made it possible. So my friend from high school that I got re-acquainted with on Facebook and I planned a little gathering and contacted many people from school to join us. Turns out with the holidays and people having company or traveling out of town, it was just 3 of us and our spouses. But that was a good re-entry for me. Plus, early in the day, I ran into 2 more friends from high school in my old neighborhood. Seeing everyone again was a joy and seeing what they’ve done with their lives was so interesting. Plus, we caught up on gossip and talked about the old days, which was hilarious. I recommend you do the same. There is nothing like seeing people after 20+ years and catching up.

As the weekend continued, I experienced one of the highlights of my artistic life which was seeing the Chihuly glass exhibition at the Desert Botanical Gardens.

It was an art exhibition with spectacular glass features intermixed in the desert landscape. The colors and shapes were extraordinary. This just confirms my love for color and shiny things. I highly recommend visiting. The display will be there until May 31, 2009. Thank goodness I had 2 cameras. To see more pictures, visit my flickr album.

Oh, and I have to let you know, I have a bunch of new items in my Etsy shop and am having a major inventory sale. Free shipping to the USA.

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