Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Warmth Saves Time

You know how I spend most of my day if I'm home? I hear a bark. I ignore it, over and over these single barks. Does Flick want to go outside? Of course not! Sillies, he wants to be covered by his blankie. I spend my day over and over repeating this ignore-the-bark-then-get-up-and-cover routine. How annoying after a while, but no more. I finally crocheted him a sweater that I will call his blankie-to-wear. He stopped barking. Amazing! I'm so well trained I tell you. This should save a good full hour or more of my day, seriously....until he wants to go outside then I have to take it off then re-apply, and that goes on all day as well.....I'll never get a break. And don't say doggy door. We can't put one in anywhere. GRrrrr.

By the way, this is dc except for the neck which is sc and my own pattern based on his size as I measured him as I went along.


  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Oh what a little sweetheart, he looks so cute in his pooch blanket. He must be a little snuggler since he loves his sweater. I really like your blog, great job!

  2. That's too funny. I just determined my dog starts scratching at the door as soon as the entire back yard is cast in shade. No warm spots in which to bask in the sun.
