Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hey, Remember me?

My my where has the time gone? Seems like each day I think of putting a blog entry then realize nothing really exciting has been going on. But that’s ok right? Nothing has to be terribly exciting or newsworthy; just maybe a little bit interesting. I apologize for this neglect. So here is where I do a little catching up.

You see September through December are the most crazy months. We have my son’s birthday in Sept, my daughter’s in Oct, our anniversary in Oct as well, my birthday in November and Thanksgiving, and my husband’s birthday in Dec. as well as Christmas and New Years. At that point I’m exhausted and broke. This is where I’m headed as we speak. We are halfway through the celebrations. So how did we celebrate our 16th anniversary you ask? I’ll tell you that my husband and I got away for 5 days and went wine tasting and indulged in yummy restaurants from here to Napa Valley. Thus, the picture you see above.

There was another celebration yesterday to be had for sure. It was the one year anniversary of my back surgery. I’m doing pretty darn great Going to yoga, started dancing again even. We celebrated with carrot cake last night.

As for the business, well that has been running but I’ve understandably had a bit of a hiatus from making jewelry. And now that the holidays are upon us, I have begun to become a bit more motivated and added some new things and put more on sale. I love these new flamenco earrings. They are wood, colorful, and very lightweight even though they are large. At only $20 a pair, they are the perfect accessory.

So I promise to get back on track and start blogging again. My bad.


  1. Wow has it been a year with your back surgery? Time flies! Looks like you had fun on your anniversary trip. We always end up going to the Gem & Mineral show for ours. Can't wait to meet up with you next month!!

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    That's such a great photo of you and Ralph! When's your birthday?

  3. Yeah! When's your birthday? Email me the date or maybe I'll email you and ask.
