Saturday, September 01, 2007

Important Donation Info

Starting Sep. 4 we are helping to promote an important cause that has touched pretty close to home. Recently finding out that an in-law's family member is currently being treated for ovarian cancer, I was moved to do something, anything. Then this opportunity appeared almost within weeks of hearing about her.

Starting September 4 and for the whole month of September, Bonnin Designs with the help of SheFinds will run a promotion with the The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF) to raise money for the fund.
For the month of September, Bonnin Designs will be giving 50% of every purchase of the 'Inspiration Earrings' to help The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. These earrings represent OCRF with the ‘O’ in the earrings for the ‘O’ in OCRF and the color teal, the official color of OCRF. Get yours and feel good about giving!

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