Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Polenta and Other Creative Ventures

What started out as a side dish for salmon became my newest obsession. This is polenta with balsamic collard greens and shaved parmesan cheese. Yum! I got the polenta in a roll in the pasta aisle at the grocery store. I sliced 3/4 inch slices and put them on a baking sheet that had olive oil rubbed on it. I sauteed collard greens with a little garlic salt and at the end, splashed them with good balsamic vinegar. I set some on top of the polenta. I then added shaved parmesan cheese and baked in 450 degree oven for 10 min. or so.

And I've been making these cute little crocheted rings that are beaded. I haven't decided whether to offer them on my website, but I may consider it based on response. A conversation keeps coming up in my mind that I had with a friend about limiting myself and not offer every single style and every single thing I've ever made ever, but what am I going to do with them sitting in a cupboard? Hmmm, decisions...


  1. I always think it's funny that most people get polenta from a roll. The first time I made it, it was from scratch and it was so easy! It was easy like cornbread is easy. And yummy! But that was a long time ago, too.

  2. I always made it from scratch too. I just saw the roll for the first time in the store and thought, "Huh, that looks yummy". Also I've been having to cook 10 min. meals because of all the kid's activities and my husband getting home so late, so any shortcut is welcome.
