Monday, April 30, 2007

The Weekend Happenings

Artichokes are my obsession, go figure. I think it started when that was the food I craved during my first pregnancy, so I bring you the artichoke necklace which will be added to the site this week. I also made these Dragonfly necklaces. 3 in different bead colors which will find their new home today at The Dragonfly Shops and Gardens in Orange today. I love these pendants. They are a bit bigger than the other round porcelein pendants from Earthenwood Studio that I have worked with. About the size of a quarter I would say. So these all came about on Friday.
Which brings me to Saturday. That's Carrie from Sommer Designs. I was visiting her and shopping of course at her Spring Fling Boutique. Wow. Such talented artists. You can read about it here. I had a wonderful time catching up with Carrie and I got to see her studio! Great job on that studio girl.
During the entire weekend, my poor daughter spent every waking hour with 2 friends completing a biology project. So we were essentially homebound. So what is this crocheted object above? It's supposed to be a dog sweater. I started it Friday and had it all done by yesterday except for the belly strap. I was so concerned for the length of it, I didn't noticed until my husband pointed it out that it just draped over her body and didn't go down the sides. "It won't keep her warm" he said. OH NO. I was following a pattern and there is no way after all that work I was going to pull it out. So, I fudged and since it's really chunky colorful wool, I think only a person with experience crocheting will be able to tell how I added on each side. I don't think my dog will mind too much. Pictures to come when I finish. I made a neckhole even! And it fits over my dogs head. Which is a good thing, right? I love the wool. The colors are more vibrant than this picture and there is gold thread running through it. She's just going to look adorable.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Inspiration From the Kitchen Sink

Lately, inspiration for new projects has been coming at me like a Mack truck. I’m not only talking about inspiration for jewelry projects, but home projects, crochet projects, photography and even cooking. As I look back a couple of months I had nothing in me. I wasn’t motivated, I wasn’t doing much except focusing on my back rehabilitation. This was a good thing at the time but I so wanted to be motivated to create something, anything. Now I can’t stop. I’m putting off tedious chores that must be done and making things instead.
A couple of weeks ago I ordered some pendants which arrived today. So now, the Cherry Earrings are back up on the website and I have lots of other fun new doo dads to create jewelry with. And yes, those are red porcelain yarn balls with knitting needles on the left side of the top photo which will be bitchin’ earrings soon enough.
This morning, my adorable neighbor that reminds me of when my Grandma Jean was in her younger years, was standing out in her front yard with her rollers in her hair talking to her gardener. I went over to say hi and she beckoned me inside. “I want to show you something”. Knowing that I’ve been crochet obsessed lately she brings me into her kitchen and shows me this acrylic yarn pot scrubber thing. She says she bought it at a campground a few years back. Some old lady was selling it, she says. Raving about how it had ‘wire in it’ which it turns out wasn’t wire at all, but nylon netting. And how it scrubs pots really well and it's small so you can scrub in the crevices. Regretfully, She also wished she had bought more. So in my head I’m thinking damn, I could do that. I know that I could figure out how to make one, and also thinking in my head “Shari, you have enough projects on your plate: crocheted cupcakes, the dog sweater you were going to crochet, the jewelry you’re making when the package arrives”. And what do I do? I ignore the voice in my head and head to the local craft store to pick up supplies for pot scrubbers and the dog sweater and proceed home. Do you believe that I stood at my kitchen counter and made a pot scrubber? Mine is cotton, not acrylic though and she will be so surprised.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Is This The Face of a Killer?

SummerYou would never know that this is the face of a killer. As she wanted to be let in the house, I noticed Summer had a baby dove in her mouth. The same baby dove that was on the verge of flying the day before but fell out of it's next in our patio eves and had to be carefully placed back in. Oh so close, poor dove.

This is the mother dove the morning of the incident which occured in the afternoon. How sad for her. Summer is going to have to hear about it for some time to come. Daddy dove lives in the same nest with mommy dove. Each year I must rescue or attempt to rescue at least 2 baby doves. It just breaks my heart. And this is what Spring brings.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

As Seen On OC Register Blog

Time for some more celebrating. This week, the Orange County Register blog featured Bonnin Designs in the Style Scoop section. This is wonderful news since it's a big local news agency with lots of women that love to shop.

So to celebrate, I made these amazing cupcakes. They were inspired by Sew Darn Cute. Well a bit more than inspired by. I used her frosting recipe but made them dark chocolate s'mores instead of milk chocolate; as dark chocolate is supposed to be healthier. Hee hee. They were and still are scrumptious.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Celebrate Earth Day, Everyday

Moondrop Clothiers, an indie business, is celebrating Earth Day by discounting their sustainable market bags today. They come in many different sizes. From the small re-useable cotton bags for produce all the way up to being able to carry your entire grocery purchase. It doesn't take much to help save our resources and with this sale, it really doesn't take much green.

As Seen On Ooo La La Cupcakes

Thanks Tres Ooo La La for posting about the Cupcake Jewelry on Ooo La La Cupcake Blog!! Those little cupcakes are sure making the rounds.

Friday, April 20, 2007

As Seen on Wickedly Chic - Daily Ditties

The cupcake rings are making their rounds. Today they are featured as a Mother's Day gift recommendation on Wickedly Chic's Daily Ditties . Thanks Liz!!!

It's been a cold rainy day today so I thought I'd share with you what my dogs do when it's cold and rainy. They huddle together and are soooo lazy. Silly doggies. Actually I haven't done much today either. I had my last physical therapy appointment for my back rehabilitation so I presume I've graduated after 6 months of therapy. Monday I plan to start taking some yoga to stretch out this body of an 81 year old man that I'm in right now. Then next is to dance again.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

As Seen On Indie Fixx

The new cupcake jewelry is really getting noticed! Thanks Jen for featuring them today on Indie Fixx .

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cupcake Rings

It's just better this way. I continue to take the 'no calorie' approach to cupcakes. As mentioned before there are earrings now at the website. In addition, here are some adjustable rings to match, or not.

Seems that I have detoured far from my usual style/styles of jewelry. In my low tech form of research I have found that there are many cupcake obsessed people out there besides me. The difference is that I can't bake well. But I can bake these. They turn out with no burned edged, consistent from one to the next, and again, no calories.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Coming Soon - Cupcake Earrings

Available starting Monday at Bonnin Designs
And hurry, because our 50% sale is ending tomorrow!

Friday, April 13, 2007

What's New

These crochet rings will be available on Bonnin Designs starting next week. If you are interested in pre-ordering them, shoot me an email. They are $10 each and come in the colors shown above. I'm pretty excited to be able to offer these because I never thought I could crochet with a hook that small!

Also in other news, Bonnin Designs is now available at The Dragonfly in Old Towne Orange. What a fun shop. This new garden and gift shop is in an old craftsman home. Each room is filled with treasures. You'll find our items in the Jewelry room! Also, I am creating special dragonfly necklaces just for The Dragonfly.

And lastly, our 50% off sale ends Saturday (that's tomorrow), so shop early for Mother's Day Gifts at great prices.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Polenta and Other Creative Ventures

What started out as a side dish for salmon became my newest obsession. This is polenta with balsamic collard greens and shaved parmesan cheese. Yum! I got the polenta in a roll in the pasta aisle at the grocery store. I sliced 3/4 inch slices and put them on a baking sheet that had olive oil rubbed on it. I sauteed collard greens with a little garlic salt and at the end, splashed them with good balsamic vinegar. I set some on top of the polenta. I then added shaved parmesan cheese and baked in 450 degree oven for 10 min. or so.

And I've been making these cute little crocheted rings that are beaded. I haven't decided whether to offer them on my website, but I may consider it based on response. A conversation keeps coming up in my mind that I had with a friend about limiting myself and not offer every single style and every single thing I've ever made ever, but what am I going to do with them sitting in a cupboard? Hmmm, decisions...

Monday, April 09, 2007

Itty Bitty Cupcakes

Itty Bitty Cupcakes, originally uploaded by bonnindesigns.

Sometimes I don't have it in me to make jewelry but today, I still needed to play with beads and create. These itty bitty cupcakes are what resulted from my latest purchase of a Japanese beading book. So cute, but just cupcakes on a plate for now.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Spring Cleaning Sale is Underway

The Spring Cleaning Sale at Bonnin Designs is on for one week only. Visit Bonnin Designs and you'll see a discount code for 50% off including sale items. Now start cleaning house!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Tomorrow - Big Sale

Tomorrow, Saturday April 7, is the start of the Bonnin Designs Big Spring Sale where you will be able to receive from 50-75% off of everything on the website. So, come by the website tomorrow for the discount code which will be required to get these amazing discounts. Quantities are limited because many pieces are one-of-a-kind. You must not be indecisive or it will be gone. Also, shipping is free to the USA, always.

Remember, Mother's Day is coming up very soon, May 13. This is a perfect opportunity to shop for mom!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Big Oops Today

I apologize to all my new newsletter subscribers that got multiple email newsletters from me today. I wasn't aware that would happen when I went to send the newest newsletter, but apparently it did. Problem is fixed now and if you unsubscribed, I would love it if you re-subscribed so that you can receive further discounts and previews of collections and I promise you'll get one email at a time and usually no more than 1-2 per month.